Graphic Recording

Graphic Recording


We think in pictures. Graphic Recording involves capturing information live in pictures at a live event. The artist joins your event and illustrates your big ideas in real time.  It is a perfect tool for bridging an event's experience with participants’ visual memory and recall.  The illustrated notes illuminate key concepts, different perspectives, decisions and the collective input of the participants.

With live illustrations for meetings, conferences and teamwork, this knowledge sharing galvanizes participants by arousing their curiosity.  They instantly sense something is different, and then pay attention to the magic of the live sketching.  The co-creation and interactive process allows audiences to follow the insightful graphic capture of the meeting content.  When you marry the live graphic notes to their experience, they give deeper meaning to the content and have greater retention of the material.

The process can be done

1)      in person using large paper charts attached to a wall or drawing surface.  The artwork is created with markers and pastels (analog). This is great for:

  • conferences, retreats, tradeshows

  • celebrations and fundraisers

  • team workshops with high engagement


2)    virtually on any video conferencing platform, where the illustrator creates images via an iPad and shares the screen (digital). This is great for:

  • online brainstorming meetings

  • remote trainings

  • virtual presentations and information sharing

3)    a hybrid of on the wall with markers, and on the iPad, projected onto screens.

Graphic Recording is Perfect for

Presentations, Panel Discussions, Planning Meetings, Leadership Retreats, High-level Trainings, Seminars, Brainstorming, Ideation Sessions, and more!

The Process


Before an Engagement

Our team meets with the leadership/event planners to understand the purpose, agenda and outcome of the event.  We will select the best graphic notetaking option of in-person, virtual or hybrid for your meeting. Considerations are the meeting space, number of participants, and how the visuals will be used during and after the event.


The illustrator arrives early to set up the working space.  Working in sync with the event team and/or meeting facilitator, the visual scribe captures the presentations, conversations and decisions quickly and concisely.  The graphic recordings are projected on screens and immediately shared (digitally) or displayed on paper (analog) throughout the meeting room for people to see.

After the Event

The (digital) illustrations are immediately shared with the event organizers at the end of the event. The paper (analog) visual maps are photographed or scanned into high resolution images and then sent to the event organizers usually within 3 days. The artwork is the client's property. These images are highly valuable communication tools.